School Accountability Dashboard
This two-minute video explains why the California School Dashboard is the “ultimate conversation starter” and how it can lead to better planning and better results for our kids.
California's accountability system is based on multiple measures that assess how local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools are meeting the needs of their students. Performance on these measures is reported on the California School Dashboard (Dashboard).
Based on Dashboard results, some LEAs are eligible for assistance through the System of Support.
The Dashboard
What are the state indicators?
State indicators are based on data collected consistently across the state from LEAs through the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) and testing vendors. The state indicators are:
- Academic (reported separately for English language arts/literacy [ELA] and mathematics assessments)
- English Learner Progress
- Chronic Absenteeism
- Graduation Rate
- Suspension Rate
- College/Career
Is the data up-to-date? When will new data be added?
The Dashboard is updated annually. For the years of data used for each indicator, please reference the Dashboard Technical Guide.
How is performance calculated?
Local educational agencies and schools receive one of five color-coded performance levels on the state indicators. From highest to lowest, the five performance levels are: Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red.
For the 2022 Dashboard only, performance is based on one of five Status levels ranging from Very High, High, Medium, Low, and Very Low and is calculated using 2021–22 school year data. For the 2023 Dashboard only, performance for the College/Career Indicator is also based on one of the five Status levels and is calculated using data from the 2022–23 school year.
More details on calculating performance for state indicators are available through the Dashboard Technical Guide.
Is performance of student groups reported?
Yes. For each state indicator, performance levels are provided for all students and for student groups meeting the minimum n-size (e.g., 30 students to receive a performance level) at the local educational agency or school.
Which student groups are included?
Performance of the following student groups must be considered in the state accountability system:
- English learners
- Socioeconomically disadvantaged pupils
- Foster youth
- Homeless youth
- Students with disabilities
- Racial/ethnic groups, including:
- African-American/Black
- American Indian/Native Alaskan
- Asian
- Filipino
- Hispanic/Latino
- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
- Two or more races/Multiple Race
- White
Is there a minimum number of students for local educational agencies or schools to receive a performance level?
Yes. Performance levels will be reported for all students and any student group that has at least 30 students in both the current and prior year. An exception is for foster youth and homeless youth at the local educational agency level where performance levels will be reported if there are at least 15 students in those student groups. Data will be reported without a performance level if there are between 11 and 29 students. Data for less than 11 students is not reported to protect student privacy.
What does each indicator measure?
Details on each state indicator is available through the Dashboard Communications Toolkit and Dashboard Technical Guide.
Does the Dashboard display grade-level data?
No. The Dashboard shows overall performance data for LEAs, schools, and student groups. Grade level data is not reported. Grade level data are available for some indicators (e.g., suspension, chronic absenteeism, etc.) through the CDE DataQuest web page.
If a local educational agency, school, or student group does not meet the 95 percent participation rate, does it impact the Academic Indicators?
Yes. The Every Student Succeeds Act requires that all schools and students groups meet the 95 percent participation requirement for ELA and mathematics and that the participation rate be factored into the Academic Indicators. As a result, the Distance from Standard will be reduced for those districts, schools, and student groups that did not meet the 95 percent participation rate target. For more information on the calculation, please review the Academic Indicators mini-guide available on the Dashboard Technical Guide.
Will the Dashboard indicate if the Distance from Standard for ELA and/or mathematics was adjusted because the 95 percent participation rate was not met?
No, the Dashboard will not indicate any adjustment. However, the Academic Indicators data files include the Distance from Standard before and after the penalty is applied for ELA and/or mathematics.
Will the participation rate be available on the Dashboard?
No. However, a participation rate report is available on the School Dashboard Additional Reports and Data web page.
Why do DataQuest and the Dashboard reports differ for the suspension rate?
The cumulative enrollment counts for suspension are different in DataQuest compared to the Dashboard because:
- At the local educational agency-level, Non-Public School (NPS) students are included in the count for DataQuest but are excluded for the Dashboard unless they meet the District of Residence qualifications.
- DataQuest includes students with partial day suspensions whereas the Dashboard includes only students with at least a full day of combined suspensions.
- Filters can be applied on DataQuest to include/exclude charter schools for authorizers whereas charter schools are always excluded from authorizer’s results
- Students with Disabilities are reported at the District of Attendance for DataQuest whereas for the Dashboard, these students are reported at the District of Residence
What if I am interested in data that isn't included in the Dashboard?
The Dashboard is intended to allow educational partners and the public to quickly see how local educational agencies and schools are performing on the measures included in California's school accountability system.
The CDE DataQuest web page includes reports with additional data elements and detail that are not included in the Dashboard.
What are the local indicators?
State data is not available for some priority areas identified in the Local Control Funding Formula statute. For these priority areas, the California State Board of Education (SBE) approved the local indicators, which are based on information that a local educational agency (LEA) collects locally. The local indicators are:
- Basic Services and Conditions (Priority 1)
- Implementation of State Academic Standards (Priority 2)
- Parent and Family Engagement (Priority 3)
- School Climate, as measured by a local climate survey (Priority 6)
- Access to a Broad Course of Study (Priority 7)
- Outcomes in a Broad Course of Study (Priority 8)
- Coordination of Services for Expelled Youth (Priority 9) – County offices of education only
- Coordination of Services for Foster Youth (Priority 10) – County offices of education only
How is performance measured on the local indicators?
The SBE adopted performance standards for local indicators require an LEA to:
- annually measure their progress in meeting the requirements of each Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) priority;
- report their results as part of a non-consent item at a regularly scheduled public meeting of the local governing board/body during the annual process of adopting the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP); and
- report results to the public through the Dashboard utilizing the State Board of Education (SBE)-adopted self-reflection tools for each local measure. The SBE self-reflection tools are available in the Local Performance Indicator Quick Guide document on the CDE website at
(Note: For the 2021 Dashboard the performance standard for local indicators will not be reported.)
How do LEAs report their local data?
The SBE approved self-reflection tools for LEAs to report local indicators in the Dashboard. An LEA may use the self-reflection tools to report its results to its local governing board and must report its results to the public by completing these self-reflection tools within the Dashboard.
Each LEA must have a designated Dashboard Coordinator by submitting an application on the site: Designations are approved by the superintendent or the charter school administrator via email.
Additional details on the local indicators, including the self-reflection tools, are available at the California School Dashboard Web page.
Do local indicators apply to schools?
No. Local indicators apply only to LEAs, which includes charter schools. If an LEA is made up of only one school (e.g., charter schools and single school districts), the local indicators will appear on the local educational agency/school report. If an LEA has more than one school, the local indicators will appear on the LEA reports but not the school reports.
Do local indicators apply to schools?
No. Local indicators apply only to LEAs, which includes charter schools. If an LEA is made up of only one school (e.g., charter schools and single school districts), the local indicators will appear on the local educational agency/school report. If an LEA has more than one school, the local indicators will appear on the LEA reports but not the school reports.
Is there a deadline for a local educational agency to submit results regarding its local indicators?
LEAs are required to annually complete the self-reflection tools for the local indicators. An LEA must complete the local indicators and report its results each year by the deadline established by the CDE. The CDE will notify LEAs of the deadline annually.
How does the Dashboard identify when an LEA completes the required local indicator performance standards?
Provided an LEA satisfies the performance standards for each local indicator by the CDE’s established deadline, the Dashboard will automatically assign a performance level of Met.
If an LEA does not meet the performance standards, the DB will assign a Not Met or Not Met for Two or More Years as applicable.
(Note: This does not apply to the 2021 Dashboard because performance on local indicators will not be reported.)