California School Dashboard
The Dashboard contains reports that display the performance of districts, schools, and student groups on a set of state and local measures. These reports help schools and districts identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement.
- The California School Dashboard – Let the Conversation Begin
(Video; 1:53)
This video provides an overview of California's multiple measures accountability system. It describes the measures in the Dashboard and how statewide data are used to determine the performance colors. - The California School Dashboard – My Dad
(Video; 1:36)
In this animated video a student explains how her dad used the Dashboard to learn about her school and how it was performing on key state measures. - The California School Dashboard – Around the Dashboard in 90 Seconds
(Video; 1:46)
This short video explains how the Dashboard helps us all understand how well our schools are doing – and where improvement is needed. - The California School Dashboard – Steering Our Schools to Success
(Video; 1:41)
The video describes how the Dashboard helps all of us gain a better sense of what is happening in our schools. This information leads to more conversations and input, so school leaders can plan and make decisions that help all of our children succeed. - Spanish Translation of videos are available on the Translation tab.
2022 Parent Guide
2022 Parent Guide to the California School Dashboard(PDF)
This guide will provide an overview of the local and state measures and how performance is measured and reported on the Dashboard.
2023 Dashboard Flyers
Getting to Know the California School Dashboard (PDF)
The Dashboard is an online tool designed to help communities across the state access important information about K-12 schools and districts.
Getting to Know the Measures (PDF)
The Dashboard features six state measures that provide important information on how schools are serving their students.
How Dashboard Colors are Determined (PDF)
The Dashboard shows performance of districts, schools, and student groups on a set of state and local measures that assist in identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement.
How to View Performance of a School or District on the Dashboard(PDF)
A quick how-to guide on viewing performance levels on the Dashboard for school or district.
How to Compare Schools(PDF)
A brief guide on how to compare schools on the Dashboard.
Exploring the Equity Report(PDF)
Equity is at the Heart of California's Accountability System. The Dashboard shines a light on both the successes and challenges that county offices, districts, and schools are experiencing in addressing disparities.