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Technology Plan


Washington Union School District is comprised of three schools:  Toro Park School provides services for the primary level; Washington Union has all the fourth and fifth grade students in the district; and San Benancio Middle School serves grades six through eight.  Each student in the Washington Union School District will be provided an opportunity to participate and grow in an environment in which technology is used as a tool to enhance instruction, explore new learning experiences, and prepare them to function successfully in a technology oriented society.

All students and staff in the district will participate in a technology plan that is integrated with Strategic Accountability, the District Curriculum Guides, and the California State Frameworks.  Goals and objectives from the frameworks, along with cross-curricular activities from the District Curriculum guides are paired with commitment for individual student development of higher level thinking skills in order to create the cornerstone for the development of this plan.


The District Technology Plan will guide Washington Union School District in its educational technology decision making for the next three years.  The plan will take effect July 1, 2018 and end on June 30, 2021.  The time lines and benchmarks laid out in the plan will help to insure the academic success of our students and guide Washington Union School District in our efforts to provide a quality learning experience with technology in all grade levels and subjects.


The process of developing a comprehensive technology plan and ongoing technology planning process for Washington Union School District involves a wide range of stakeholders.  To ensure that all stakeholders are represented in the revision of the three-year technology plan, an interconnected network of advisory groups is being utilized to gather data vital to the growth and operation of a successful technology integration program.  The accompanying Stakeholder Network Chart provides a visual representation of the stakeholder groups involved in the technology planning process for the district.

The District Technology Committee is comprised of administrators, teachers, and technological support personnel from each site.  The committee will set standards for hardware and software as well as oversee the purchase and installation of an infrastructure.  In addition, the Technology Committee oversees the connectivity of the standards to the plan, the budget and professional training, and instruction.  They actively participate in the rewriting and creation of the District Technology Plan.  From 2018-2021, the committee will continue to seek business and nonprofit partners for regular input and advice, as well as volunteer technical assistance in order to accomplish the goals and objectives of this plan.


Stakeholder Chart



School Board

  1. Commitment to Technology Plan and development and final approval of plan.
  2. Budget and Finance



District Technology Coordinator

  1. Monitor and evaluate all subcommittees
  2. Schedule and provide professional development – focus on integration of technology into the curriculum
  3. Work with the Technology Planning Committees to provide infrastructure
  4. Budget and Finance
  5. Coordinate ongoing partner involvement
  6. Collect data regarding student academic achievement.

Strategic Planning Committee

  1. School Board
  2. District Administration
  3. Parents
  4. Teachers

Plan a course of action in six different goal areas:

  1. Curriculum, Instruction, and Accountability
  2. Facilities
  3. Staff
  4. Climate
  5. Community Relations
  6. Finance


District Wide Technology Committee

  1. Plan and develop Technology Plan that will address curricular goals and objectives at each school site.
  2. Present plan to District Curriculum Committee
  3. Use collected data to monitor and evaluate progress toward benchmarks and timelines
  4. Make modifications where necessary

School Site Councils

  1. Gather information about school site involvement and make suggestions relevant to how planning should proceed at each site.






School Site Staff

  1. Follow the State Frameworks and District Curriculum Guides
  2. Plan and provide instruction and activities that support cross-curricular learning and the use of technology
  3. Serve on school site and district committees
  4. Participate in staff development and progress on the proficiencies required in the staff development component of the Technology Plan


  1. Participate in cross curricular activities that develop skill in use of technology
  2. Meet required individual grade level competencies
  3. Learn use of hardware and electronic resources


  1. Serve on district and school site committees
  2. Volunteer time to help in classroom or lab

School Site Technology Coordinators


District Technology Coordinator

  1. Participate in overall instruction, management, and coordination
  2. Manage and coordinate hardware acquisition and installation
  3. Collect staff development data
  4. Collect student data for Student Competencies
  5. Direct maintenance of all technology and call in experts when necessary
  6. Serve on District wide Technology Committee

Business and Community Technical Support

  1. Volunteer educational advice
  2. Professional consultation in area of upkeep and upgrading technology

Washington Union Educational Foundation

Financial Stakeholders

Washington Union School District Parents Club

Financial Stakeholders

Monterey County Office of Education

1.  Contracted Partners in Education

2.  Provide availability of instructional resources and technological services