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Inter-district Transfer Information

Interdistrict Transfer Requests
If you do not live within our district boundaries, you must contact your district of residence to initiate the transfer process. 

Washington Union School District begins accepting new interdistrict transfer requests January 1st of each year.

  • First, contact your district of residency to apply for an interdistrict transfer. Only your home district can "release" your student to attend school in another district. Each district operates on a different time frame. Please contact your home district for full details.
  • Next, provide us with a copy of the application once it has been approved from your home district. Your student will not be placed on our waiting list until this has been received. 
  • If your application is approved, you can begin the Enrollment procedure. Approvals are usually granted between March and May. The specific time frame will vary year to year depending on enrollment numbers and class configurations. 

Interdistrict Terms and Conditions

Interdistrict transfer requests will be considered for the following reasons:

Child Care
Parent Employment
Health and Safety (Ed.Code 48900(r))
Specialized Program
Continuing Enrollment
Final Year
Change in Residence

Documentation to support the above reasons is required at the time of submission. Requests will be considered based on local board policies and individual merit. 

  • An interdistrict transfer request is granted or denied per the terms and conditions stipulated in a district's board policy.
  • Approval by the District of Attendance is subject to space availibilty and the district's capacity to provide special education services, if applicable.
  • A request may be denied, revoked, or rescinded at any time during the school year by the District of Attendance for the following reasons:

1. Unsatisfactory attendance.

2. Poor scholastic progress-tardies, work habits, lack of effort, etc.

3. Lack of appropriate student behavior (per Student Handbook).

4. Student fails to make appropriate academic efforts.

5. Failure of a parent/guardian to resubmit the inderdistrict agreement each year for renewal

6. Submission of false, misleading, or incorrect information.

7. Other conditions that occur that would render continuance unadvisable. 

8. The parent/guardian is responsible for providing transportation to and from school. 

9. When a student is in an unsupervised situation early in the morning or late in the afternoon on        or about the school campus.

Interdistrict Transfer Timelines

  • Washington Union School District(WUSD) begins processing inderdistrict transfer requests for the next school year January 1st. Approval of a request will depend on class size capacity at a specific grade level and programs. A letter approving or denying an interdistrict transfer request will be sent to parents/guardians as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the indertistrict transfer is sought.
  • WUSD will process requests and communicte a final decision to parents/guardians for the current school year within 30 calendar days from when the request was received.