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Do you reside in the Washington Union School District Boundaries?

  • Download and install the free Google Earth application. Directions: Open Google Earth, open a new tab in your browser and go to Google Earth file prepared by the Monterey County tax assessor.  Refresh Google Earth and under "My Places" click on "M_CO.Schools_Districts_Lgl".  Enter the address you are inquiring about in the Search bar at the top left of your screen. When you see the address appear on the map, and the page has finished loading, click on the address (not the red balloon). A small window will pop up with the district of residence (the purple overlay on the map covers the residences within WUSD boundaries).
  • Check your property tax bill to see whether Washington Union School District is listed.
  • Contact Tracie Corpuz (831) 484-2166 with a specific address.

WUSD Boundary Map: WUSD Map

If you reside in the Washington Union School District boundaries and want to enroll your student you will need to provide Proof of Residency (WUSD Board Policy 5111.1).
To continue to enrollment procedures go to Enrollment.

If you DO NOT reside in the Washington Union School District boundaries and you want to enroll your student, please follow Interdistrict Transfer procedures (WUSD Board Policy 5117 Interdistrict Transfer Attendance).

District Residency Board Policy
Inter-district Transfer Attendance Board Policy