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High School Recommendation Procedures

School Recommendation Request Procedure


Our teachers and administration receive many requests for school recommendations from students each year. In order to accommodate all requests and meet the requested deadlines, we need you to follow these procedures:


1. Autobiography: Prepare a one page summary including

• Your name, date of birth, address, and telephone number

• Your educational goals

• What you believe are your strengths

• Areas you are working to improve

• Hobbies, special interests, community service

• Awards and achievements


2. Provide the following to each teacher or administrator from whom you need a recommendation:

• A copy of the autobiography

• A stamped, addressed envelope for each school where you wish the recommendation be sent

• The recommendation form supplied by the school to which you are applying


3. Due to confidentiality issues, all recommendations are mailed directly to the school that is requesting the information. No copies are released to parents or students.


4. Allow at least two weeks for the process to be completed.


5. We expect that academic performance of students will remain high, especially after they have been accepted to a school for the following year. Any change in academic performance or behavior will be reported to the school.