Principal's Message
Dear San Benancio Families,
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year! I want to thank our families for making the 22-23 school year so successful. Looking ahead to this school year, I look forward to working with our staff and students to make San Benancio a great place to go to school. Our ASB leadership team as well as our other students are excited to kick off the year off with some fun activities.
We have only have a couple of changes in our staffing this year. I would first like to welcome back Kelsey Leon! Kelsey (Beall) taught at SBMS from 2014-2017 and has since been at Salinas High School. She is excited to return and we are lucky to have her back as part of our team. Our second new hire is Kenneth Reich. Kenny comes to us from teaching 2 years of 6th grade in Salinas City Elementary School District. He taught at University Park and Kamman. He will join our 6th grade team, teaching 1 section of 6th grade math and 4 sections of 6th grade grammar.
Please mark your calendars for Back to School Night at San Benancio! BTSN will take place on Tuesday, August 15th from 6:00-8:00pm.
I am looking forward to another great year at SBMS. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, I am accessible by phone or email at org (831) 484-1172. I will see everyone on Wednesday, August 9th for the first day of school!
Thank you,
Joe Carnazzo