3rd Grade
3rd Grade
The average third grader is explosive, excitable, dramatic, and inquisitive. They possess a "know-it-all" attitude, are able to assume some responsibility for their actions, actively seek praise, may undertake more than they can handle successfully, are self-critical, and recognize the needs of others. They are learning how to set goals and understand consequences of their behavior.
In third grade you will notice that curriculum starts to have more weight. Of course kids will still read, write, and do math, but the way they do them will start to shift. This year, and increasingly in fourth and fifth grades, kids move from “learning to read” to “reading to learn,” and from “learning to write” to “writing to communicate.” Teachers will still guide them closely, but they’ll be introducing another goal too: working independently. In third grade homework becomes more independent and students are expected to complete three projects throughout the year.
Some kids will find the transition stressful and the third grade team is here to help students be successful. More often, however, third graders find themselves standing more firmly than ever in the world of school. After three years of being “little” in elementary school, third graders are now among the “big” kids. Ask them and they’ll tell you: that’s pretty cool.