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5th Grade

Fifth Grade Team
5th Grade
Fifth grade students at Washington Union Elementary School spend a week at Outdoor Science School at Mount Hermon in February.  They study the Next Generation Science Standards and attend outdoor school to bring the standards to life.  Students live in the dorms, hike the area, attend science classes, and become knowledgeable about the flora, fauna and wildlife of the area.  They also have time to swim, play games, and do experiments.
Fifth grade students are responsible for the 5th grade Common Core Standards for Language Arts and Math.  Their highly qualified teachers work hard to make the standards meaningful and attainable.  The students learn about the history, geography and people of the United States of America.  Each student selects a state upon which they will do in-depth research and write a report.  Students also work on Google Slides presentations to share.  Colonial School Day is another important event in the fifth grade curriculum.  In the month of May, students recreate a day in colonial school following their study of United States colonial history.
Mrs. Brianna Hoag
Ms. Susie Muller
Mrs. Janae Silva